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Image by Austin Distel

In The News

Podcast Appearances: click on the icons to listen

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Upcoming 2024 Classes:

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Weight Loss Without Dieting

Monday, March 25 from 6:30-8pm, Chappaqua, NY $30

Sick of dieting? Tired of the restrictions, rules, and expensive meals and powders? The weight returns leaving you feeling disheartened and frustrated. There’s got to be a better way. Rather than being constrained, limited, and burdened with a list of “off-limit” foods, you’ll learn how abundance is key in shedding pounds and inches. You’ll discover how stress is linked to weight gain and learn which foods sustain and nourish you without compromising on taste. Wouldn’t it be great to never feel deprived or say “I’m on a diet” again? Join Suzy Wood, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, for this interactive workshop.

Uplift Your Mood With Food

Tuesday, April 9 from 6:30-8pm, Chappaqua, NY $30

Our mood significantly influences our food choices. When feeling stressed, sad, or anxious, it’s common to turn to comfort foods high in sugar, salt, or unhealthy fats for temporary relief. However, these choices can lead to unwanted weight gain, chronic disease, guilt and/ or physical discomfort. Conversely, the food we eat plays a crucial role in regulating our mood. Learn what to eat to promote positive emotions and brain health. Discover how certain ways of eating fuel our bodies and minds, stabilize blood sugar levels, and provide a steady release of energy. You’ll leave with solutions to improve mood, increase focus, and enhance overall well-being. Join Suzy Wood, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, for this uplifting and interactive workshop.

Recapture Your Vitality 

Tuesday, April 30th from 6:30-8pm, Chappaqua, NY $30

As individuals and parents, we naturally care for others - sometimes at the expense of our own health and well-being. We have built careers, managed households, volunteered, raised families, chauffeured children, and cared for parents and/or partners. All of a sudden, we find ourselves suffering from digestive issues, poor sleep, cravings, stiffness, feeling depleted, and carrying around a few extra pounds. When diets don’t work, we feel like we failed 12 and lose motivation. We want to recapture the vitality we used to have but there’s so much confusing and conflicting information in the health world, we sometimes don’t know where to start. Learn actionable steps you can take to revive your energy and make healthier food and lifestyle choices. Join Suzy Wood, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach at True Wellness Within, for this informative workshop

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